Sunday, December 9, 2012

Vacation manicures

Since I didn't bring hardly any nail supplies for my vacation last month I decided to do something I never do at home, splurge on a manicure. Of course in Thailand its not nearly as much of a "splurge" to your pocketbook as it is here. The first manicure/pedicure/ with gel topcoat finish/nail art costs a mere $15 total.
Initially I was pretty happy with the work (and mostly the price) the only problem is the girl that was doing the work did not know how to apply the gel topcoat correctly, and it begin cracking the next day....quite annoying :( For some reason they also do not sell acetone polish remover in it was impossible for me to remove the work and repaint them on my own. It was pretty disappointing since this was supposed to be my birthday gift to myself. Also the reason I chose the gel topcoat (my first time doing this by the way) was so that it would last the rest of my vacation and I would not have to pay to get them done again. Needless to say it did not last the next two weeks and I had to go back in on the last week, to a more professional and better skilled nail tech, and have the gel removed and get my nails redone.
I was much happier with the quality of the second ladies work and it was also lighter on the pocketbook. This manicure cost me a mere $5. After my experience with the soak off gel topcoat needless to say I am not really anxious to try it again. Even having it soaked off was not too pleasant and my fingers burned the rest of the day.  For me its not really worth it to do the gel system since the nail polish actually adheres really well to my nails usually and I can wear a manicure for a week usually with no problems. Has anyone else had any bad experiences with gel polish or gel topcoat?

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